
Heal Thyself: Most who tear Achilles tendon can skip surgery

It's a weekend warrior's nightmare. You're playing hoops in the driveway and go up for a lay-up. You land and hear a pop: you've torn your Achilles tendon. Do you have surgery or hope it heals with just a cast and rehab? ...

Medical research

Spinal cord stem cells can help repair after injury

Spinal cord injury often leads to permanent functional impairment. In a new study published in the journal Science researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden show that it is possible to stimulate stem cells in the mouse ...

Medical research

Discovery offers new hope to repair spinal cord injuries

Scientists at the Gladstone Institutes created a special type of neuron from human stem cells that could potentially repair spinal cord injuries. These cells, called V2a interneurons, transmit signals in the spinal cord to ...


Surgery restores arm function in some paralysed patients: study

Surgeons in Australia have managed to restore arm function in paralysed patients, allowing them to feed themselves, use tools and handle electronic devices, according to the results of a groundbreaking study released Friday.


Surgeons restore some hand function to quadriplegic patient

Surgeons at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have restored some hand function in a quadriplegic patient with a spinal cord injury at the C7 vertebra, the lowest bone in the neck. Instead of operating ...

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