Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Female sex hormones and mechanics of memory

Dr. Karyn Frick was puzzled. Her two-year study, begun with funding from Women's Health Research at Yale in 2005, found that long-term treatment with the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone did not improve memory as anticipated.


The secret of the learning brain

As we learn, something must change in our brain to store the information. Precisely what it is that is changing, and how it does so, remains a mystery. PhD student Rémy Kusters investigated what happens, at the smallest ...


Here's what music sounds like through an auditory implant

For some people with severe hearing loss, it is possible to restore their hearing with an auditory implant (also known as cochlear implants). These electronic devices are surgically implanted into the inner ear, converting ...

Medical research

Study uses Botox to find new wrinkle in brain communication

National Institutes of Health researchers used the popular anti-wrinkle agent Botox to discover a new and important role for a group of molecules that nerve cells use to quickly send messages. This novel role for the molecules, ...

Medical research

Inactivation of taste genes causes male sterility

Scientists from the Monell Center report the surprising finding that two proteins involved in oral taste detection also play a crucial role in sperm development.

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