Medical research

Is the first cure for advanced rabies near?

Rabies virus is incurable and almost always fatal once it has invaded the central nervous system, with the victim doomed to suffer a horrible death.

Medical research

Vagus nerve active during exercise, research finds

The vagus nerve, known for its role in 'resting and digesting,' has now been found to have an important role in exercise, helping the heart pump blood, which delivers oxygen around the body.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Unraveling the gut's role in Gulf War illness

Growing up, Texas A&M University biomedical engineering doctoral student Claudia Collier understood that a family outing could abruptly end at any moment. The possibility that her mother might suffer from a flare-up loomed, ...


Reducing stress on T cells makes them better cancer fighters

Even for killer T cells—specialized immune cells—seeking and destroying cancer cells around the clock can be exhausting. If scientists can understand why killer T cells become exhausted, then they can create more resilient ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is humming healthy? Mmm, here's what the evidence says

There are plenty of health claims about humming. They include reducing stress, helping you breathe more easily, relieving sinus congestion, lowering your blood pressure and lifting your mood.


'Bioprinting' living brain cell networks in the lab

Monash University Engineering researchers have successfully used "bioinks" containing living nerve cells (neurons) to print 3D nerve networks that can grow in the laboratory and transmit and respond to nerve signals. The ...

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