Medical research

Could prosthetic limbs one day be controlled by human thought?

For almost two decades, Stanford electrical engineering professor Krishna Shenoy and neuroscientists in his Neural Prosthetics Translational Laboratory have been working on implantable brain sensors that allow them to record ...


Researchers decode mood from human brain signals

By developing a novel decoding technology, a team of engineers and physicians at the University of Southern California (USC) and UC San Francisco have discovered how mood variations can be decoded from neural signals in the ...


Defining the brain mosaic in fruit flies and humans

Similar to a mosaic floor where different patterned tiles come together to make a composite and holistic image, our brains consist of billions of unique neurons that connect and generate coordinated brain activity. Unlike ...


Speed-accuracy tradeoff turns up gain in the brain

Widespread changes in neural activity enable people to quickly make a decision by "turning up the gain in the brain," suggests a human study published in eNeuro. The findings help to resolve a central issue in our understanding ...


Neuro filter sharpens visual processing

Blurry and clear versions of an image are represented similarly in the brain, according to a neuroimaging study published in eNeuro. The research shows how the visual system fills in missing information to maintain perception ...

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