
Food intake, a fragile balance between neural pathways

A team at the Laboratoire biologie fonctionnelle et adaptative (CNRS/Université Paris Diderot) investigated the relative role of energy needs and "pleasure" of eating in food intake. The researchers studied a group of neurons ...


Neural simulations hint at the origin of brain waves

For almost a century, scientists have been studying brain waves to learn about mental health and the way we think. Yet the way billions of interconnected neurons work together to produce brain waves remains unknown. Now, ...


Locusts help uncover the mysteries of smell

Understanding how a sensory input becomes an experience—how molecules released by a blooming flower, for instance, become the internal experience of smelling a rose—has for millennia been a central question of philosophy.


Tapping the brain orchestra

Researchers at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) and Forschungszentrum Julich in Germany have developed a new method for detailed analyses of electrical activity in the brain. The method, recently published ...


Synapses of the reward system at stake in autistic disorders

Autism spectrum disorders are a heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental disorders, one of the main characteristics of which is impaired social communication. But what happens in patients' brains that disrupts their social ...


Dopamine leaves its mark in brain scans

Researchers use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to identify which areas of the brain are active during specific tasks. The method reveals areas of the brain, in which energy use and hence oxygen content of the ...

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