
When the brain switches from hearing to listening

What happens in the brain when simply hearing becomes listening? To answer this question, researchers at the University of Basel have traced the neuronal fingerprint of the two types of sound processing in the mouse brain.


The difference between an expert's brain and a novice's

When mice learn to do a new task, their brain activities change over time as they advance from 'novice' to 'expert.' The changes are reflected in the wiring of cell circuits and activities of neurons.


Just made a bad decision? Perhaps anxiety is to blame

Most people experience anxiety in their lives. For some, it is just a bad, passing feeling, but, for many, anxiety rules their day-to-day lives, even to the point of taking over the decisions they make.


Cognitive neuroscience—the awareness of ignorance

Metacognitive judgments of non-experienced events are processed in the frontopolar cortex of the brain, whereas metacognition of experienced events is associated with the dorsal prefrontal cortex, as reported in a study on ...


Great minds may think alike, but all minds look alike

The brain is a complex network containing many billions of neurons. Each neuron is connected to thousands of others via links (synapses) which can be strong or weak. A strong link indicates a significant influence between ...


Every experience that the brain perceives is unique

Neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex represents every experience as "novel." The neurons adapt their activity accordingly, even if the new experience is very similar to a previous one. That is the main finding of a ...

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