Medical research

Creating blood vessels on demand

When organs or tissues are damaged, new blood vessels must form as they play a vital role in bringing nutrients and eliminating waste and it is necessary for organs and tissues to regain their normal function. At present, ...


Bevacizumab may cause cognitive impairment

Glioblastoma is the most common kind of brain tumour in adults. It is a very aggressive form of cancer; patients with this diagnosis have a median post-diagnosis survival of 15 months. Especially in the US, the drug Bevacizumab ...

Medical research

Algae could prevent limb amputation

A new algae-based treatment could reduce the need for amputation in people with critical limb ischaemia, according to new research funded by the British Heart Foundation, published today in the journal npj Regenerative Medicine.

Medical research

Blood runs deep: Lab blood vessel model sheds light on angiogenesis

To provide sufficient oxygen to tissues and organs within the body, blood vessels need to sprout new offshoots to form a widespread blood supply network, much like the trunk, branches, and twigs of a tree. However, the mechanisms ...


Bypass beats stents for diabetics with heart trouble: study

(HealthDay)—People with both diabetes and multiple clogged heart arteries live longer if they undergo bypass surgery rather than have their blood vessels reopened with stents, according to follow-up results from a landmark ...

Medical research

Newly formed blood vessels may contribute to eye disease

Newly formed blood vessels may be cracks in the barrier between the bloodstream and the eye, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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