Medical research

Reverse engineering human biology with organs-on-chips

"Organs-on-Chips," added last May to the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City and winner of the 2015 Design Award from the London Design Museum, have kept their "classical" design over the years, but have ...


How viruses can overwhelm the liver's defences

(Medical Xpress)—The liver is the only organ in the body that can modify our immune response. This, paradoxically, leaves it open to violent immune attack.


Researchers design mouse with more human-like immune response

Medical scientists at the University of Southern California (USC) have bred a first-of-its-kind mouse model that possesses an immune response system more like a human's. The discovery makes way for quicker and more cost-effective ...


Certain mutations give HIV infection an advantage that sticks

(Medical Xpress)—Varieties of HIV that replicate more quickly can cause infected individuals' immune systems to decline faster, new research demonstrates. The results were published by the journal PLOS Pathogens.


Over 20,000 people join UK search for new dementia treatments

More than 20,000 volunteers have been recruited to a resource aimed at speeding up the development of much-needed dementia drugs. The cohort will enable scientists in universities and industry to involve healthy individuals ...


Tattoo regret? How to choose a removal service

About one in four people regret at least one of their tattoos. Almost half of those go on to have their unwanted tattoo removed or camouflaged with a new one.


New software tool decodes cytokine 'language' of immune cells

New research from Yale University has unveiled the complex cellular communication system that allows immune cells to mount responses to infection and cancer. The study, published in Nature Methods, reveals how different cells ...

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