
Why ketamine is a speedster antidepressant

Ketamine is the speedster of antidepressants, working within hours compared to more common antidepressants that can take several weeks. But ketamine can only be given for a limited amount of time because of its many side ...


Excitatory neural receptors aid development of adult-born neurons

A unique interaction between an excitatory neural receptor and a chloride transporter are critical for development of adult-born neurons in the dentate gyrus, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Cell Reports.


From imaging neurons to measuring their true activity

When neurons communicate with each another, they transmit—or "fire"—small electrical impulses called action potentials or spikes. These action potentials are the fundamental units of information processing in the brain. ...


Tiny wireless device illuminates neuron activity in the brain

Everything that happens in the brain is a result of neurons sending and receiving signals in complex networks that are not completely understood by scientists. These networks are what allow us to pick up a cup of coffee, ...

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