
Immunologist's book offers blueprint for medical revolution

Rodney Dietert, Cornell professor of immunotoxicology, has penned a new book, "The Human Superorganism: How the Microbiome Is Revolutionizing the Pursuit of a Healthy Life" (Dutton, 2016), that calls for a new paradigm in ...

Oncology & Cancer

A new paradigm for cancer research

The $100 billion federal government investment in the "War on Cancer," has produced only relatively modest progress in cancer research advances, according to Yale School of Medicine researcher Dr. Cary Gross, and his collaborator ...


When the neuroprosthetics learn from the patient

While it takes a long time to learn to control neuroprosthetics, Jose Millán research, published in Nature Scientific Reports, will enable the creation of a new generation of self-learning and easy-to-use devices.


Genomic testing triggers a diabetes diagnosis revolution

Over a 10 year period, the time that babies receive genetic testing after being diagnosed with diabetes has fallen from over four years to under two months. Pinpointing the exact genetic causes of sometimes rare forms of ...


Mental fog with tamoxifen is real, study finds possible antidote

A team from the University of Rochester Medical Center has shown scientifically what many women report anecdotally: that the breast cancer drug tamoxifen is toxic to cells of the brain and central nervous system, producing ...

Medical research

ORNL's awake imaging device moves diagnostics field forward

A technology being developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory promises to provide clear images of the brains of children, the elderly and people with Parkinson's and other diseases without the use of uncomfortable or intrusive ...

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