Oncology & Cancer

Q&A: Advances in ablation for prostate cancer

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and we are looking at treatment options. One doctor suggested a prostatectomy, but my husband finds ablation appealing because of quality of life advantages. ...


U.S. primary care doctors face challenges in coordinating care

Physicians from the United States and other high-income countries report difficulties with care coordination, with a substantial proportion of U.S. physicians not receiving timely notification or the information needed from ...


Sensors help to prevent falls

More than one third of all over-65s in Germany are at acute risk of falling. Electrical engineers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) want to remedy this with new sensor technology that looks at movement and the environment, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Infectious diseases treated on the spot

Point-of-care testing developed at Flinders University will be part of the rollout of new services targeting infectious diseases across remote Australia and also the Asia-Pacific.


Technology should be used to boost empathy-based medicine

Existing digital technologies must be exploited to enable a paradigm shift in current healthcare delivery which focuses on tests, treatments and targets rather than the therapeutic benefits of empathy. Writing in the Journal ...


Minnesota pedestrian death spike illustrates grim US trend

Pedestrian deaths spiked to a 25-year high in Minnesota in 2016, illustrating what's been a grim upward trend across the country in recent years. Experts tie it to more people driving and to more distractions such as smartphones ...


Stethoscope still valuable despite technological advances

(HealthDay)—Despite advances in medical technology, the stethoscope still has important diagnostic value, according to an editorial published online Jan. 15 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

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