
Good oral hygiene is especially important during the holidays

From Halloween through the new year, holiday parties and family events are filled with gifts and delicious treats. Kids go trick-or-treating, pies are baked and cookies are decorated. It's the time of year that brings everyone ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Adele tells fans she suffers from sciatica

The Grammy-winning singer Adele told a crowd at her New Year's Eve concert that "really bad sciatica" is causing her to wobble on stage.


How to set, and keep, your New Year's resolutions

Realistic goals and expectations combined with a holistic look at health and wellness are essential to make and keep New Year's resolutions, according to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service experts.


UK medical bodies say winter crisis costing lives

UK medical bodies on Monday said patients were dying due to inadequate care and urged the government to act as Britain's health service grapples with a winter crisis of strikes and soaring demand.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Revelers throng to New Year's parties after COVID hiatus

With countdowns and fireworks, revelers in major city centers across the Asia-Pacific region ushered in the first new year without COVID-19 restrictions since the pandemic began in 2020.

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