Gerontology & Geriatrics

Do former football players age faster?

Former professional football players—particularly linemen—are more likely than nonplayers with similar demographic characteristics to develop diseases typically associated with advanced age when significantly younger, ...


NFL players face 4 times the odds of ALS

NFL players are four times more likely to die of Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) than other people, new research finds, adding to known links between football-related head injuries and brain diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's ...


Study points to health disparities among former NFL players

A career in professional football may yield an array of health benefits that extend beyond playing years: NFL players engage in vigorous training, tend to be more educated than other men in the U.S. and have higher median ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Study analyzes mortality risks among pro athletes

Professional football players appear to have a somewhat elevated risk of death, including higher risk of succumbing to cardiac and neurodegenerative diseases, compared with professional baseball players of similar age, according ...

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