Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Stress fracture? Your foot hitting pavement wasn't the main problem

It starts as a persistent and irritating pain in the foot or lower leg, then it gets more intense, maybe with swelling, and soon a runner knows she's being sidelined by one of the most common running injuries: a stress fracture. ...


Do NFL players face a higher risk of early death?

(HealthDay)—The Philadelphia Eagles and New England Patriots playing in Sunday's Super Bowl may have already taken a hidden hit before setting foot on the field, a new study suggests.


CT shows enlarged aortas in former pro football players

Former National Football League (NFL) players are more likely to have enlarged aortas, a condition that may put them at higher risk of aneurysms, according to a study being presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological ...

Medical research

30 former NFL players pledge their brains for research

(HealthDay)—Thirty former NFL players have joined the growing number of retired players who have pledged to donate their brains to research on a devastating brain disease that has been linked to the repetitive head trauma.


Evidence of brain injury found in young NFL players

In a small study of young or recently retired NFL players, researchers at Johns Hopkins report finding evidence of brain injury and repair that is visible on imaging from the players compared to a control group of men without ...


Study: ex-NFL players aren't at greater risk for suicide

(HealthDay)—Professional football players aren't at greater risk of suicide than the general U.S. population, federal health officials report, although players are far likelier to suffer concussions.

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