Medical research

Nitric oxide could make blood transfusions safer

(Medical Xpress)—Blood transfusions are supposed to save lives. Doctors give transfusions to severely ill or injured people with the expectation that their conditions will improve. In fact, transfusions do not always help ...

Medical research

'Moonlighting' enzyme unravels arginine paradox

(Medical Xpress) -- Nearly 20 years ago, the journal Science tagged nitric oxide as the "molecule of the year." Since that time, researchers have tried to study and target this simple molecule that is involved in virtually ...

Medical research

Examining what smoking does to oral bacteria

The father of Biotechnologist Giacomo Antonello, a dentist, sometimes amazed patients with his seemingly clairvoyant diagnostic abilities: one look in their mouth and he would advise them to see a specialist because, he explained, ...

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