Oncology & Cancer

Be sun savvy, protect yourself from skin cancer

Ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause skin damage in as little as 15 minutes. Prolonged exposure and damage can lead to various forms of skin cancer, many of which, thankfully, are preventable.


Bruce Springsteen and peptic ulcer awareness

When Bruce Springsteen abruptly postponed his two Philadelphia concerts at Citizens Bank Park in August ― and then went on to play five shows in New England and New Jersey before calling off the rest of his 2023 dates ― ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Knee pain? Genicular artery embolization can offer relief

Of all the joints in the body, the knees get the most wear and tear. Decades of walking, running, sitting, jumping and other activities can take a toll on the cartilage—the smooth tissue between the bones—leading to osteoarthritis. ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

What is gonococcal arthritis?

Heard of gonorrhea? Most likely. What about gonococcal arthritis? Maybe not.

Arthritis & Rheumatism

What are the major types of arthritis?

Arthritis strikes millions of Americans, leaving them with aching, inflamed joints that make it hard to move around without pain.

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