
Which drugs effectively treat diabetic nerve pain?

A federal health agency has found certain antidepressants and anti-seizure drugs are among medications that effectively treat diabetic nerve pain. The research is being published simultaneously in the March 24, 2017, online ...


Review explores harms linked to antidepressant treatment

(HealthDay)—The harms associated with selective serotonin and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors cannot be estimated accurately, according to a review published online Jan. 27 in The BMJ.


Norepinephrine aids brain in sorting complex auditory signals

For neuroscientists studying the intricate mechanisms of hearing in the brain's auditory cortex, a major question has been how a listener can focus in a noisy environment, and how neurochemicals help neurons convey as much ...


Real-time readout of neurochemical activity

Scientists have created cells with fluorescent dyes that change color in response to specific neurochemicals. By implanting these cells into living mammalian brains, they have shown how neurochemical signaling changes as ...


Single molecule shown to regulate emotional behavior of mice

Mood and emotion are extremely complex aspects of behavior that are known to involve the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine. Both neurotransmitters are broken down by an enzyme called monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A), ...

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