Oncology & Cancer

Mitochondrial DNA in cancer: Small genome, big impact

Mitochondria are in vogue, with devotees ranging from exercise physiologists and sports scientists to molecular biologists and clinicians all coalescing around these unusual organelles.

Inflammatory disorders

Q&A: Controlling 'inflammaging,' inflammation that occurs with aging

A team at the CRCHUM—Université de Montréal's hospital research center—has discovered a new function for proteins responsible for DNA repair in the control of an inflammatory response in aging cells, also known as senescent ...


How can a baby have 3 parents?

It seems impossible, right? We have been taught from the time we were young that babies are made when a sperm and an egg come together, and the DNA from these two cells combine to make a unique individual with half the DNA ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Is UK evaluation of reproductive tech a model for US?

When the United Kingdom resoundingly approved mitochondrial replacement therapy in February, it became the first country to give people this new medical option. In parallel it gave the United States serious cause to reflect ...

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