
Study supports new strategy to fight cocaine addiction

An international team led by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) has found strong evidence supporting a new strategy against drug addiction. The researchers showed that a compound that inhibits the activity ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Protein found to regulate cocaine craving after withdrawal

Neuroscientists know that cocaine addiction and withdrawal rewire the brain. But figuring out how to disrupt those changes to treat addiction requires an extremely detailed understanding of how those changes occur.


Sex-specific role for glucokinase in autonomic nervous activity

(HealthDay)—Glucokinase (Gck) in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMN) is involved in glucose-dependent control of autonomic nervous activity in female mice only, according to an experimental study published online ...


Study reveals how HIV enters cell nucleus

Loyola University Chicago scientists have solved a mystery that has long baffled HIV researchers: How does HIV manage to enter the nucleus of immune system cells?

Oncology & Cancer

New mechanism activates the immune system against tumour cells

The body's defences detect and eliminate not only pathogens but also tumour cells. Natural killer cells (NK-Cells) are specifically activated by chemical messengers, the Cytokines, to seek and destroy tumour cells. Veronika ...


Fighting addiction through the gut-brain axis

"We are what we eat." This piece of folk knowledge is true in more ways than one. In fact, it is well known that food, through action on the enteric system, has direct effects on the brain. The mechanisms underlying this ...


Dopamine neurons have a role in movement, new study finds

Princeton University researchers have found that dopamine - a brain chemical involved in learning, motivation and many other functions - also has a direct role in representing or encoding movement. The finding could help ...

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