
Researchers test the brain's number sense perception

Number sense hypothesis holds that the intuitive understanding of numbers is a primary visual property, like color sense or physical orientation. In nature, this refers not to any ability to count, but to visually sense the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Babies' number sense could predict future math skills

(Medical Xpress)—Infants have a primitive number sense that allows them to recognize whether a group of objects has changed in size. Scientists have suspected a correlation between this innate number sense in infancy and ...


'Number sense' arises from the recognition of visible objects

Humans and animals have a "number sense," an inborn ability to register the number of objects in a scene. The neural basis of this ability is believed to be what are called the number neurons, which respond to certain numbers ...


More than light detectors: The magic of your eyes' pupils

The mechanisms we use to sense quantity are located in our pupils. This is the result of a study conducted by the School of Psychology of the University of Sydney, in collaboration with the Universities of Pisa and Florence ...

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