
New disparity in nursing homes: Whites leave, minorities enter

In the last decade, minorities have poured into nursing homes at a time when whites have left in even greater numbers, according to a new Brown University study that suggests a racial disparity in elder care options in the ...


Causes of serious adverse events in nursing homes identified

(HealthDay)—Most serious adverse events in nursing homes are caused by medication errors, falls, delayed or inappropriate interventions, and missed nursing care, according to a study published online June 15 in the Journal ...


More doctors are becoming 'nursing home specialists'

The number of doctors and advance practitioners in the United States who focus on nursing home care rose by more than a third between 2012 and 2015, according to a new study published today in JAMA from researchers at the ...


US, religious groups debate birth control coverage

(AP)—The Obama administration on Friday urged a Supreme Court justice to stop blocking the new health care law's requirement that some religious-affiliated groups provide health insurance that includes birth control.

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