
On nutrition: Eating for your genes

In response to a recent column where I mentioned how genetic research is beginning to show us how our DNA may influence our dietary needs, reader Ann F sent me a slew of questions:


Better nutrition policies needed for children

Most early childhood education services strive to encourage healthy eating among children, but need stronger and more detailed nutrition policies to support change in everyday staff and parent behaviours.


Study sets ambitious new goals for nutrition science

How can nutrition science help to achieve healthy nutrition for everyone? An urgent question in a world where 795 million people are chronically undernourished (FAO) while 1.9 billion people are overweight or obese (WHO).


Food app to fight nation's killers

A revolutionary smartphone app launched today will empower New Zealand shoppers to make healthier food choices - reducing their risk of dying early from two of the nation's biggest killers, heart attack and stroke.

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