
Are ultra-processed foods harmful? Experts weigh the evidence

Dietary guidelines form the basis for nutrition advice and regulations around the world. While there is strong scientific consensus around most existing guidelines, one question has recently stirred debate: Should consumers ...


Longer life for those who follow nutritional guidelines

Those who follow the nutritional guidelines issued by Sweden's National Food Agency live longer. This is shown by a new study of the diets of 17 000 Swedish men and women over a long period of time. The greatest effect ...


Lifting barriers to nutrition

(Medical Xpress) -- A University of Alberta study has revealed challenges that schools are working through, to adopt healthier food choices for their students in an effort to meet government guidelines for nutrition.


New study shows pregnant women need to move more

(Medical Xpress)—It may not be enough for women to spend just 30 minutes a day on a treadmill or elliptical if they want to manage their weight during pregnancy. Regular exercise can help lessen back pain, increase energy ...


Beans, pulses and legumes have important role in nutrition

Beans, pulses and legumes can be classified as either vegetables or proteins under the new USDA dietary guidelines, giving them an important role in a person's daily diet, an expert panel said at the Institute of Food Technologists' ...

Overweight & Obesity

Research questions link between dietary variety and body weight

Every five years, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans are jointly issued and updated by the Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). They exist to help Americans make informed ...

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