
Asthma differences in adults and children

As the winter cold season melts into seasonal spring allergies, many people may start to experience sneezing, wheezing and other breathing difficulties.


How allergens trigger asthma attacks

A team of Inserm and CNRS researchers from the Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology have identified a protein that acts like a sensor detecting allergens in the respiratory tract that are responsible for asthma ...

Inflammatory disorders

Asthma: DMP is largely consistent with guidelines

On 22 January 2014 the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) published the results of a literature search for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on the treatment of people with asthma. ...


Exposure to gas, dust, fumes ups risk of mite sensitization

(HealthDay)—Occupational exposure to gas, dust, and fumes (GDF) increases the risk of mite sensitization, and is associated with asthma and wheeze in those who are mite-sensitized, according to a study published online ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Revealing key insights into the trends of asthma mortality

Asthma is among the most common chronic respiratory diseases in the world. Characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, it can trigger serious bouts of coughing and breathing problems. Unfortunately, asthma ...

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