
Sniff tests used to create olfactory fingerprint

(Medical Xpress)—A team of researchers with affiliations to several institutions in Israel has developed a way to test the differences in the way people perceive odors. The differences are enough, the team reports in their ...


Have you taken the trillion odor challenge?

(Medical Xpress)—Butterscotch can be made by heating brown sugar and butter together according to some predefined proportion. Although one might imagine an infinite variety of butterscotches might be crafted through the ...


Locusts reveal how neurons distinguish multiple odors

(Medical Xpress)—Our sense of smell is often the first response to environmental stimuli. Odors trigger neurons in the brain that alert us to take action. However, there is often more than one odor in the environment, such ...


Temporal processing in the olfactory system

The neural machinery underlying our olfactory sense continues to be an enigma for neuroscience. A recent review in Neuron seeks to expand traditional ideas about how neurons in the olfactory bulb might encode information ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientists want to know how the smells of nature benefit our health

Spending time in nature is good for us. Studies have shown that contact with nature can lift our well-being by affecting emotions, influencing thoughts, reducing stress and improving physical health. Even brief exposure to ...

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