Oncology & Cancer

Short fasting cycles work as well as chemotherapy in mice

Man may not live by bread alone, but cancer in animals appears less resilient, judging by a study that found chemotherapy drugs work better when combined with cycles of short, severe fasting.

Oncology & Cancer

Novel gene mutations associated with bile duct cancer

Investigators at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Cancer Center have identified a new genetic signature associated with bile duct cancer, a usually deadly tumor for which effective treatment currently is limited. ...

Oncology & Cancer

New chemotherapy approach for treating stomach cancer

Stomach cancer is caused by an uncontrolled growth of cells that starts in the stomach. Most stomach cancers are found when the disease has spread beyond the stomach, when a cure is less likely.

Oncology & Cancer

Oncologist suggests three ways to prevent head and neck cancer

Throat cancer is one of the fastest-growing cancers, and it is often linked to HPV. Oropharyngeal cancer, or throat cancer, is a type of head and neck cancer that can be divided into two subgroups: HPV-associated cancers ...

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