
High-speed microscope captures fleeting brain signals

Electrical and chemical signals flash through our brains constantly as we move through the world, but it would take a high-speed camera and a window into the brain to capture their fleeting paths.


Optical stimulation causes marmosets to move their forelimbs

RIKEN neuroscientists have succeeded in getting marmosets to move their forelimbs when they shine laser light on the motor cortex—the brain region responsible for planning, conducting and controlling voluntary movements. ...


Using laser light to study how epilepsy arises in the healthy brain

Scientists at McGill University have developed a new method to study how seizures arise in the healthy brain. Using laser light guided through ultra-thin optic fibers in the brain of rodents, the researchers "turned on" light-sensitive ...

Medical research

Optical tweezers unveil a secret of muscle power

Our hearts beat a life long. With every beat our heart muscle contracts and expands. How this can work throughout an entire life remains largely a mystery. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have now ...


A second look at glaucoma surgery

New research led by Queen's University professor Robert Campbell (Ophthalmology) has revealed using anti-inflammatory medications after glaucoma laser surgery is not helpful or necessary.

Medical research

Can we use 3-D printing and stem cells to build a bone?

Pioneering techniques aiming to recreate human bone for replacement and repair will be showcased at the Royal Society's annual Summer Science Exhibition which opens to the public today.


Laser liposuction melts fat, results in tighter skin

A new, minimally invasive treatment that uses lasers to melt fat could replace the "tummy tuck," suggests research on more than 2,000 people being presented at the Society of Interventional Radiology's 38th Annual Scientific ...

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