
Nanofibers may help treat heart attacks

(Medical Xpress) -- Cardiovascular diseases kill over 17 million people a year globally, according to the World Health Organization, and many more suffer heart attacks but recover. Even those who do recover are more prone ...


Japan researchers grow tooth in mouse kidney

Japanese bio engineers have succeeded in growing a tooth from cells implanted into a mouse kidney, using a technique that could create replacement organs faster than previously tested methods.

Medical research

Scientists identify agent that can block fibrosis of skin, lungs

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have identified an agent that in lab tests protected the skin and lungs from fibrosis, a process that can ultimately end in organ failure and even death because ...

Overweight & Obesity

The Fat Chip: Controlling obesity the smart way

(Medical Xpress)—Gastric banding, a common surgery to reduce obesity, leaves much to be desired. Typically, the patient is left with a feeling of constant hunger. Stimulators implanted in the feeding centers of the brain, ...


'Bio-glue' could mean end to surgical sutures, staples

Western biomaterials expert Kibret Mequanint—in partnership with Malcolm Xing from University of Manitoba—has developed the first-ever hydrophobic (water-hating) fluid, which displaces body fluids surrounding an injury ...

Medical research

Dream of regenerating human body parts gets a little closer

Damage to vital organs, the spinal cord, or limbs can have an enormous impact on our ability to move, function – and even live. But imagine if you could restore these tissues back to their original condition and go on with ...


Several persistent chemicals found in fetal organs

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet found industrial chemicals in the organs of fetuses conceived decades after many countries had banned the substances. In a study published in the journal Chemosphere, the researchers urge ...

Oncology & Cancer

Bendy X-ray detectors could revolutionize cancer treatment

New materials developed at the University of Surrey could pave the way for a new generation of flexible X-ray detectors, with potential applications ranging from cancer treatment to better airport scanners.

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