
Speed data for the brain's navigation system

In order to guide us accurately through space, the brain needs a "sense" of the speed of our movement. But how do such stimuli actually reach the brain? Researchers at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) ...


Why some bisexual men stay in the closet

Research conducted at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and Public Health Solutions examined the reasons why men who have had sex with both men and women choose not to disclose their sexual orientation—particularly ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What scientists know—and don't know—about sexual orientation

Over the last 50 years, political rights for lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals have significantly broadened in some countries, while they have narrowed in others. In many parts of the world, political and popular ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sexuality orients stress reactivity

Gay and bisexual men and heterosexual women have lower stress reactivity compared to heterosexual men. This is the surprising conclusion of a doctoral study undertaken by Robert-Paul Juster of the Institut universitaire en ...

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