Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Q and A: Avoiding shoulder injuries while shoveling snow

Last winter, I slipped and fell shoveling snow. I have arthritis in one of my shoulders. I'm concerned about having another injury. How common are shoulder injuries during the winter due to shoveling snow and other activities? ...


This winter, keep your balance to avoid the emergency room

Balance is defined as the body's ability to maintain its center of mass over the base of support. More importantly, especially when snowstorms hit, being balanced can prevent falls, which can lead to a reduction in injury.

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Q and A: To brace or not to brace

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I love being active, playing tennis, bowling, hiking and shooting hoops with my grandkids. I have arthritis in my ankle and wonder if wearing a brace would prevent injury and maybe even relieve the aches ...


Avoiding overuse wrist injuries

It may seem hard to believe, considering that you use your hands and wrists to do almost everything, but some of the most common wrist injuries are caused by overuse and repetitive motion. Dr. Sanj Kakar, a Mayo Clinic orthopedic ...

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