Psychology & Psychiatry

Requiring some patients to get mental health treatment saves money

Mandating outpatient treatment for certain people with severe mental illness, while controversial, results in substantial cost savings by cutting hospitalizations and increasing outpatient care, according to a financial analysis ...


HHS details overhaul rules and required benefits

The Obama administration is strengthening the prescription drug coverage that will be available to the millions of people who will start getting insurance through the nation's health care overhaul.


ER docs are key to reducing health care costs

Emergency physicians are key decisionmakers for nearly half of all hospital admissions, highlighting a critical role they can play in reducing health care costs, according to a new report from the RAND Corporation.


Unintended costs of health-care integration

In recent years hospitals have been rapidly acquiring physician practices, a trend that could potentially lower health care spending—for example, through better coordination of inpatient and outpatient care—or increase ...

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