
Quinn on Nutrition: Do vitamin patches work?

I sometimes consult with overweight patients who are considering bariatric (weight loss) surgery. For some individuals, the need to take specific vitamin and mineral supplements for the rest of their lives is not an easy ...

Overweight & Obesity

Medication use higher among overweight, obese kids

Overweight children are far more likely to take prescription medications than children of a normal weight—a trend that adds to already higher health-care costs for treating childhood obesity, according to new research from ...

Overweight & Obesity

Habit change is key to success for weight loss

Can experts in behaviour change help boost weight loss for overweight people? McGill University researchers think so: they report significant results—up to 10% of body-mass loss with this approach.


Does a healthy diet counter the ill-effects of obesity?

A healthy quality Mediterranean-like diet partially modifies the association between obesity and cardiovascular mortality, according to a new study published this week in PLOS Medicine by Karl Michaëlsson of Uppsala University, ...


Weight loss drug shows positive effect on diabetes

At the 2018 Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Brigham and Women's Hospital investigators from the Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Study Group presented diabetes-related findings from ...


Overweight affects DNA methylation

The extra pounds you gain during the holidays will not only show up on your hips but will also affect your DNA. This is the result of a large-scale international study coordinated by Helmholtz Zentrum München, a partner ...


Weight plays a role in menopause age

Being underweight or overweight could affect the age at which women experience menopause, a University of Queensland study has found.

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