Medical research

Trio win medicine Nobel for work on how cells adapt to oxygen

Three researchers from the United States and Britain on Monday shared the Nobel Medicine Prize for research into how human cells sense and adapt to changing oxygen levels, opening up new strategies to fight such diseases ...

Medical research

Nitric oxide could make blood transfusions safer

(Medical Xpress)—Blood transfusions are supposed to save lives. Doctors give transfusions to severely ill or injured people with the expectation that their conditions will improve. In fact, transfusions do not always help ...


Study identifies first drug therapy for sleep apnea

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and international collaborators have led a worldwide, advanced study demonstrating the potential of tirzepatide, known to manage type 2 diabetes, as the ...

Medical research

Researchers create real-time view of placental development in mice

Physicians and biomedical engineers at Duke University have developed a method to visualize the growth of a placenta throughout a mouse's pregnancy. By coupling an implantable window with ultrafast imaging tools, the approach ...

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