Obstetrics & gynaecology

New findings may help explain high blood pressure in pregnancy

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine researchers have discovered that the infiltration of white blood cells into an expectant mother's blood vessels may explain high blood pressure in pregnancy.


Hunting neuron killers in Alzheimer's and traumatic brain injury

Levels of the protein appoptosin in the brain skyrocket in Alzheimer's disease and traumatic brain injury. Appoptosin is known for helping the body make heme, the molecule that carries iron in the blood. In a study published ...


Immune cells, 'macrophages' become activated by body temperature

Macrophages playing an important role in the immune system eat and fight against pathogens and foreign substances in the very beginning of infection. In this condition, macrophages produce reactive oxygen species for sterilization. ...


More anti-inflammatory genes mean longer lifespans for mammals

We age in part thanks to "friendly fire" from the immune system—inflammation and chemically active molecules called reactive oxygen species that help fight infection, but also wreak molecular havoc over time, contributing ...


Sperm DNA damage may contribute to repeat miscarriages

Some cases of recurrent pregnancy loss may be caused by sperm DNA damage in the male partner, rather than by a problem in affected women, according to research to be presented Sunday, March 24 at ENDO 2019, the Endocrine ...

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