
Uncovering the cause of brain injury after heart surgery

Researchers at The Florey are one step closer to finding new treatments to prevent brain injuries after using a heart-lung machine during heart surgery—a technique used to take over the workload of the heart and lungs, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Research reveals new effects of oxygen deprivation in cancer cells

A team of University of Colorado School of Medicine researchers recently published a paper offering new insight into the role that oxygen deprivation, or hypoxia, plays in cancer development. CU Cancer Center member Joaquin ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Oxygen deficit makes nerve cells grow

Oxygen deficit, also called hypoxia, in the brain is actually an absolute state of emergency and can permanently damage nerve cells. Nevertheless, there is growing evidence that to a certain extent, hypoxia can also be an ...

Oncology & Cancer

A 150-year-old drug might improve radiation therapy for cancer

A drug first identified 150 years ago and used as a smooth-muscle relaxant might make tumors more sensitive to radiation therapy, according to a recent study led by researchers at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer ...

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