
Nerves may be key to blocking abnormal bone growth in tissue

Blocking a molecule that draws sensory nerves into musculoskeletal injuries prevents heterotopic ossification (HO), a process in which bone abnormally grows in soft tissue during healing, UT Southwestern researchers reported ...


Pain relief without side effects with promising technique

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have developed a completely new stimulation method, using ultra-thin microelectrodes, to combat severe pain. This provides effective and personalized pain relief without the common ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Back pain: Why exercise can provide relief and how to do it safely

After many months in lockdown, a lot of us are finding that we're experiencing back pain that we hadn't been bothered by before. There could be many reasons for this, including increased stress during the pandemic, moving ...


Opioids provide low evidence of pain relief for migraine

Evidence that opioids provide pain relief for migraine headaches is low or insufficient, a large Mayo Clinic meta-analysis published recently in JAMA has found. However, some newer therapies, along with established migraine ...

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