Oncology & Cancer

Specialists show facial pain can be unconnected to teeth

What's the proper treatment for constant, inexplicable pain in the face, jaw or head that defies conventional dental treatment? According to researchers from the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, the answer varies widely ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Migraine: how to diagnose, manage and prevent

Migraine is a major cause of disability, affecting about 12% of people. A 2-part series published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) on diagnosing and managing the condition with both acute and preventive therapy ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Q and A: What is degenerative disk disease?

I've been struggling with back stiffness and pain for a long time, but it has gotten worse in the last few years. My doctor told me that I have degenerative disk disease. What exactly does that mean? Is it common and what ...


Why does my shoulder ache?

If you find yourself rubbing your shoulder after reaching up to take a coffee mug off the shelf, hammering in a nail just over your head or climbing into a pickup cab, you're among millions of Americans—particularly those ...

Medical research

Machine learning helps to tackle long COVID

Long COVID has emerged as a pandemic within the pandemic. As scientists work to untangle the many remaining unanswered questions about how the initial infection impacts the body, they must now also investigate why some people ...


Tips to help a frozen shoulder

Pain and stiffness in your shoulder can make every activity, including sleep, difficult. Worsening shoulder pain, especially at night, could mean you have a frozen shoulder, says Dr. Christopher Camp, a Mayo Clinic orthopedic ...

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