Medical research

Simple strategy could lead to a 'universal' flu vaccine

It's that time of year again: Temperatures drop, sleeves go up, and the needles come out. If scientists at The Rockefeller University have their way, however, the annual ritual of the flu shot could become obsolete.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Closing in on a universal flu vaccine

Unreliable yearly flu jabs could be a thing of the past as researchers close in on technology that will take down the deadly virus once and for all.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Your birth year predicts your odds if flu pandemic were to strike

Your birth year predicts—to a certain extent—how likely you are to get seriously ill or die in an outbreak of an animal-origin influenza virus, according to a study co-led by researchers from the University of Arizona ...

Medical research

Stepping closer to a universal flu vaccine

Researchers at McMaster University and two American universities have taken another step closer to developing a much more effective, "one-punch" universal flu vaccine.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Video: A new bird flu threat?

A new strain of avian flu is causing concern among health officials because it exhibits different characteristics from other strains and may mutate further, causing a pandemic.

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