Oncology & Cancer

Novel cervical screening prgram: A woman's needs come first

A collaboration in Malaysia is piloting a novel cervical screening program that features the comfort of self-sampling and the ease of digital communication. Led by the University of Malaya in partnership with other universities, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Accurately identifying aggressive head and neck cancers

The Case Western Reserve-led research team will analyze computerized images of tissue samples for patterns which could become "biomarkers," or predictors, for determining relative risk for recurrence in one particularly common ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

HPV may lurk in your throat

Human papilloma virus (HPV), the culprit behind cervical cancer and some forms of head and neck cancer may hide in small pockets on the surface of tonsils in people not known to carry the virus. The finding, reported by University ...

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