
Transgender preteens report 13 hours of daily screen time

A new national study has found that transgender preteens, 12 and 13 years old, reported 13 hours of daily recreational screen time, which was 4.5 hours more than their cisgender peers. Data were collected from 2019 to 2021, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Adoption study links child behavior issues with mother's trauma

Mothers' childhood experiences of trauma can predict their children's behavior problems, even when the mothers did not raise their children, who were placed for adoption as newborns, a new University of Oregon study shows.

Autism spectrum disorders

Helping your child make friends with a child with autism

Kids are very likely to make the acquaintance of a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at some point, whether they know it or not. An estimated 95% of children with disabilities enroll in regular schools, experts ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research provides tips to reduce children's lying

Getting children to speak the truth can be a struggle at times. While a lie, when discovered, is often followed by a punishment, there's a more effective way to prevent future fibbing, says new Brock-led research.

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