
Common antidepressant may hold the key to heart failure reversal

A team led by researchers at Temple University School of Medicine (TUSM) found that a commonly prescribed antidepressant restored heart function in mice with heart failure, a finding that could lead to clinical trials for ...


UK alleges GSK paid off competitors to delay drugs

Britain's competition watchdog accused GlaxoSmithKline on Friday of paying off competitors to delay launches of their own versions of GSK's best-selling antidepressant, Seroxat.


Using internet search logs can help identify drug interactions

(HealthDay)—Search logs can be used to inexpensively mine for anonymized signals that may alert authorities to potential drug interactions and add new Web-scale pharmacovigilance capabilities, according to research published ...


Popular antidepressant might prevent heart failure

A medication usually used to help treat depression and anxiety disorders has the potential to help prevent heart failure, according to researchers at the University of Michigan.

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