
How to protect your child from choking

(HealthDay)—Eating solid foods is a milestone in your child's life. With the right precautions to reduce the risk of choking, you can make this a safe transition.


A tasty twist on pasta and pesto

(HealthDay)—Pesto is a delicious and fast pasta sauce. Because it can be made in advance and served cold, it's also a perfect do-ahead dish.


Meet the super-nutritious new pasta with a greener footprint

The more environmentally minded and diet-conscious among us may soon be tinkering with age-old Italian recipes after scientists have shown a tasty new pasta made from chickpeas greatly improves the environmental sustainability ...


Kitchen essentials: mastering fresh tomato sauce

(HealthDay)—High in lycopene, low in calories, and rich in vitamins A and C, tomatoes are delicious fruits that can be turned into savory dishes. Try this simple fresh tomato sauce to make good use of this summer favorite.


The foods that schools wanted exempt from whole-grain rule

The Trump administration recently rolled back a rule that said foods like bread and pasta have to be made with whole grains. Before the rule was relaxed, schools needed temporary waivers to serve foods like white rice, which ...


USDA delays whole grains requirement for schools

The Agriculture Department will allow some schools to delay adding more whole grain foods to meals this year, responding to criticism from school nutrition officials and Congress.

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