Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Stress fracture? Your foot hitting pavement wasn't the main problem

It starts as a persistent and irritating pain in the foot or lower leg, then it gets more intense, maybe with swelling, and soon a runner knows she's being sidelined by one of the most common running injuries: a stress fracture. ...


Supreme Court ruling supports generic drug makers

The US Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that generic drug makers can challenge big-name pharmaceutical firms in court to stop them from broadening the scope of their patent descriptions.


India fights to protect its traditional home remedies

For centuries, Indian housewives have used homemade remedies based on cow's milk to cure constipation—but in 2009 Swiss giant Nestle applied for a patent to protect a similar product of its own.


Smart pill bottle heads to clinical trials

Patented at The University of Alabama in Huntsville, (UAH), a smart pill bottle that notifies you to take your medications or reminds you if you missed a dose could be en route to medicine cabinets as soon as 2015.


US Congress sends Obama major patent overhaul

The US Senate Thursday passed legislation to drag the web of US patent laws into the Internet age and spur high-tech innovation, sending the measure to President Barack Obama to sign into law.

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