Medical research

Sickle cell anemia as malaria defense

Sickle cell anemia causes pain, fatigue and delayed growth, all because of a lack of enough healthy red blood cells. And yet genetic mutations that cause it - recessive genes for the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin protein - have ...


Healthy people carry disease-causing mitochondrial DNA mutations

(Medical Xpress)—For the first time, researchers have discovered that disease-causing mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are common in healthy individuals, according to a Cornell study published July 7 in the Proceedings ...


Spontaneous mutations in key brain gene are a cause of autism

Spontaneous mutations in the brain gene TBR1 disrupt the function of the encoded protein in children with severe autism. In addition, there is a direct link between TBR1 and FOXP2, a well-known language-related protein. These ...

Medical research

Flu transmission work is urgent: Nature Comment

The author of an upcoming Nature paper about H5N1 argues in a Nature Comment article today that research into deadly pathogenic viruses must continue if pandemics are to be prevented. Yoshihiro Kawaoka suggests, after reviewing ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Hospital superbug debugged

An international team of scientists led by Monash University researchers has uncovered how a common hospital bacterium becomes a deadly superbug that kills increasing numbers of hospital patients worldwide and accounts for ...

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