Psychology & Psychiatry

Outgoing young people become happier seniors

(HealthDay)—People who were outgoing and energetic as young adults seem to be happier with their lives by the time they hit retirement age, a new study suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Outgoing people lead happier lives

Research from the University of Southampton has shown that young adults, who are more outgoing or more emotionally stable, are happier in later life than their more introverted or less emotionally stable peers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychologists proof positive 'side effects' of studying abroad

Spain, France and Great Britain – these are the favourite countries of young Germans who study abroad under the ERASMUS programme. More and more German students consider one or two terms at a university abroad an essential ...


Doctors do not spend enough time planning their finances

(HealthDay)—Physicians do not spend enough time reviewing their finances, and half are behind in their retirement planning, according to a report published by the American Medical Association (AMA) Insurance Agency.

Psychology & Psychiatry

In dating game, narcissists get the girl

(HealthDay News)—Men with high levels of narcissism—an unrealistically positive self-image coupled with feelings of entitlement—have an easier time than others attracting a potential mate, new German research says.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study links personality changes to changes in social well-being

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers report that changes in social well-being are closely tied to one's personality, with positive changes in one corresponding to similar changes in the other. Their study reveals potential new ...

Medical research

What the electric meter tells us about the birth rate

(Medical Xpress) -- If a woman were to consume in the form of food the amount of energy she uses, and were to follow the fertility patterns seen in other species, she would weigh as much as two elephants, and would continue ...

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