Psychology & Psychiatry

Insomnia has many faces

Researchers at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience revealed that there are five types of insomnia. This finding was published on Monday January 7 by The Lancet Psychiatry. A commentary in the journal stated that the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientists determine four personality types based on new data

Northwestern University researchers have sifted through data from more than 1.5 million questionnaire respondents and found at least four distinct clusters of personality types exist: average, reserved, self-centered and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Six 'psychological' terms that psychologists never use

Psychology is the scientific study of human thought and behaviour, and hence of everyday life, which means that many people consider themselves experts on the topic, even if they've never cracked the spine of a psychology ...


Anxious personality may be linked to heightened dog bite risk

Personality type may be linked to a heightened risk of being bitten by a dog, with people of a more anxious disposition more likely to be nipped, suggests research published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community ...

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