Psychology & Psychiatry

Self-control may not be a limited resource after all

refusing that second slice of cake, walking past the store with the latest gadgets, working on your tax forms when you'd rather watch TV – seem to boil down to one essential ingredient: self-control. Self-control is what ...

Medical research

Scientists unlock evolutionary secret of blood vessels

The ability to form closed systems of blood vessels is one of the hallmarks of vertebrate development. Without it, humans would be closer to invertebrates (think mollusks) in design, where blood simply washes through an open ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The complex relationship between memory and silence

(Medical Xpress) -- People who suffer a traumatic experience often don’t talk about it, and many forget it over time. But not talking about something doesn’t always mean you’ll forget it; if you try to force ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The pupils are the windows to the mind

The eyes are the window into the soul -- or at least the mind, according to a new paper published in Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. Measuring the diameter of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The perils of 'bite-size' science

Short, fast, and frequent: Those 21st-century demands on publication have radically changed the news, politics, and culture—for the worse, many say. Now an article in January's Perspectives on Psychological Science, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Powerful, intoxicated, anonymous: The paradox of the disinhibited

Power can lead to great acts of altruism, but also corruptive, unethical behavior. Being intoxicated can lead to a first date, or a bar brawl. And the mask of anonymity can encourage one individual to let a stranger know ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The Four Loko effect

The popular, formerly caffeinated, fruity alcoholic beverage, Four Loko, has been blamed for the spike in alcohol-related hospitalizations, especially throughout college campuses.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Happiness has a dark side

It seems like everyone wants to be happier and the pursuit of happiness is one of the foundations of American life. But even happiness can have a dark side, according to the authors of a new review article published in Perspectives ...

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