Obstetrics & gynaecology

Test-tube babies: A simpler, cheaper technique? (Update)

Since the first test-tube baby was born more than three decades ago, in vitro fertilization has evolved into a highly sophisticated lab procedure. Now, scientists are going back to basics and testing a simpler and cheaper ...

Medical research

Researchers identify cellular distress signal

Researchers from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine have discovered that a well-known associate of G protein-coupled receptors—a common target of FDA-approved drugs—may play a critical role in mounting ...


New research shows cheese may prevent cavities

Consuming dairy products is vital to maintaining good overall health, and it's especially important to bone health. But there has been little research about how dairy products affect oral health in particular. However, according ...

Oncology & Cancer

Tumor cells engineer acidity to drive cell invasion

Researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center and colleagues at Wayne State University School of Medicine investigated the acidity in solid tumors to determine if pH levels play a role in cancer cell invasion in surrounding tissues. ...


Myth that snuff users today have fewer dental caries

It is a myth that snus (Swedish snuff) users today have fewer dental caries. On the contrary, some types of nicotine-free snus contain both carbohydrates and starch that increase the risk of cavities. Those are the findings ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

New research yields insights into Parkinson's disease

Researchers at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) used an innovative technique to examine chemical interactions that are implicated in Parkinson's Disease.

Medical research

Hyperventilation may trigger febrile seizures in children

New research shows that febrile seizures in children may be linked to respiratory alkalosis, indicated by elevated blood pH and low carbon dioxide levels caused by hyperventilation, and independent of the underlying infection ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Increased brain acidity in psychiatric disorders

The body's acid/alkaline homeostasis, or maintenance of an adequate pH balance in tissues and organs, is important for good health. An imbalance in pH, particularly a shift toward acidity, is associated with various clinical ...

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