
WHO agrees watered down resolution for clearer drug prices

The World Health Organization's member states adopted on Tuesday a watered down resolution on improving drug price transparency that leading medical charity Doctors Without Borders (MSF) criticised as insufficient.

Oncology & Cancer

A new approach to targeting cancer cells

A University of California, Riverside, research team has come up with a new approach to targeting cancer cells that circumvents a challenge faced by currently available cancer drugs.


Once-per-month HIV drugs on the horizon

An HIV diagnosis was once a death sentence, but now people who receive treatment survive for decades with the disease. Keeping the virus at bay usually requires taking a pill every day, which aside from being inconvenient ...


Drug overdoses in young people on the rise

In American adolescents and young adults, death rates from drug poisoning, particularly from opioids, have sharply increased over the last 10 years, according to new research in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.


US pharma bosses charged with fueling opioid crisis

Two former executives of a major US pharmaceutical company were charged Tuesday with fulfilling orders they knew to be fraudulent during the opioid epidemic that has claimed tens of thousands of lives.

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