Psychology & Psychiatry

Social media influencing young boys' body attitudes

The endless endorsement of particular body images and physical attributes on social media is influencing how young boys view themselves in the modern age, according to a new book.

Medical research

Neuroscientists find promise in addressing Fragile X afflictions

Neuroscientists at New York University have devised a method that has reduced several afflictions associated with Fragile X syndrome (FXS) in laboratory mice. Their findings, which are reported in the journal Neuron, offer ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

More to facial perception than meets the eye

People make complex judgements about a person from looking at their face that are based on a range of factors beyond simply their race and gender, according to findings of new research funded by the Economic and Social Research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Male dancers signal their strength to men, women

Heterosexual men pick up clues about other men's physical qualities from their dance moves just as heterosexual women do, say researchers at Northumbria University.

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Winning at all costs – how abuse in sport has become normalised

In a moving letter on Twitter, top British gymnasts have reported that abuse in their sport is "completely normalised". These athletes, including current Olympians and senior competitors, are uniting to speak out about the ...

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